Begbies Traynor Group

Closure Options


What happens when a company goes into liquidation?

Liquidation is a process that closes a company down and removes it from Companies House; here we explain the processes for solvent and insolvent liquidation

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How to close a limited company

A limited company can be closed in a number of different ways; this may be via a formal liquidation process, or informally using the strike off (or dissolution) method. The most appropriate option for your company will depend on a number of factors including its level of solvency at the time of closure.

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If my company is liquidated, am I personally liable for product guarantees and warranties?

If my company is liquidated, am I personally liable for product guarantees and warranties? We offer advice on your liabilities during a liquidation process.

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Understanding creditors’ rights to form a liquidation committee

Find out more about the establishment and running of a liquidation committee during the liquidation process.

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Wind up a limited company with or without debts?

The winding up process will be determined by the financial state of the business - is it solvent or insolvent? Liquidation can be voluntary or compulsory.

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What does it mean when a company has ceased trading?

Companies can cease trading for various reasons including a director’s retirement or ill health, ongoing financial problems, or simply because the company serves no further purpose.

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Directors’ responsibilities

There are certain rules and regulations surrounding company liquidation, many of which focus on your actions as a director particularly if your company becomes insolvent.

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